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Early childhood education has a rich history dating back to the 1500s, showing significant progress over time. However, the education of children as of now such as preschools in Trivandrum and kids playschool has been occurring even before then, with influential figures such as the Greek Philosopher Plato offering innovative approaches to children’s education.

The history of early childhood education is extensive and filled with significant contributions from renowned theorists in child development and education. Many of these theorists are now widely recognized and their ideas have had a lasting impact on education of present day such as in playschools Trivandrum and best preschool in Trivandrum. Their valuable contributions continue to shape the educational system today.

Theorists who focus on early childhood development

With such a plethora of early childhood theorists, it can be challenging to select only a few to focus on. Similarly, trying to analyze each and every one would be a massive task and overwhelming to process all at once.

Here, we will cover some key points to understand the impact these individuals had on shaping education of the present day such as best play school and preschools in Trivandrum.


Froebel is recognized as the creator of kindergarten, which he designed on the principle that young children require a dedicated learning environment distinct from adults, with the exception of the teacher and assistants. He stated that “Play is the highest form of childhood development, as it allows children to freely express their inner selves.” In essence, he believed that play was crucial for young children’s education such as in best preschool Trivandrum from the time of preschool admission.


Montessori advocated for a dual approach to early childhood education, emphasizing the importance of first developing the child’s senses before focusing on intellectual learning. She believed in treating children as knowledge-givers, with teachers serving as guides. By prioritizing experiential learning and creating enriching learning environments, Montessori revolutionized academic achievement for students who struggled in traditional classroom settings such as in kids school in Trivandrum and international playschool Kerala.

1896-1934 – LEV VYGOTSKY

Vygotsky argued that social interaction plays a crucial role in children’s development of language, social skills, and cognitive abilities. He proposed the idea of a teacher as a guide, rather than an authoritative figure, who assists children in learning by collaborating with someone more skilled, such as a teacher or parent such as in best kindergarten in Trivandrum and preschool near me. By working on tasks slightly above or within the child’s current abilities, the teacher helps facilitate optimal learning. Additionally, Vygotsky emphasized the benefits of mixed-age groupings in educational settings for enhancing children’s learning and acquisition of skills and knowledge provided by teachers trained from montessori training and montessori teacher training.

1896-1980 – JEAN PIAGET

/Piaget’s theory of learning was based on his belief that children progress through distinct stages of cognitive development, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world.

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– From birth to approximately 2 years old, the child is in the sensorimotor stage.

– From when the child starts talking to around 7 years old, they are in the preoperational stage.

– From when the child enters 1st grade until early adolescence, they are in the concrete stage where they’re looked after by teachers trained from preschool teacher training and teacher training in Trivandrum.

– Adolescence is the stage of formal operations.

He held the belief that children engage in active and direct interactions with their surroundings as a means of learning. He also proposed that a child’s learning process involves various stages, namely assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration, which facilitate the integration of new information and make it practical and applicable to them according to the tutors trained from ttc in Kerala and ttc in Trivandrum.

1902-1994 – ERIK ERIKSON

For many years, Erikson’s psychosocial theory has been a fundamental principle in early childhood education. It highlights the importance of both parents and educators in nurturing a child’s success at each stage of development. By offering appropriate support at each stage, a positive learning environment can be created. Erikson also recognized the interconnectedness of older children’s social emotional development and the effectiveness of early childhood curriculum in promoting future success at Trivandrum schools and nios school in Trivandrum.

Exploring the contributions of other brilliant thinkers who have influenced our educational system and enhanced our understanding of early childhood learning can greatly enrich the development of a personalized teaching approach.

The development of early childhood education over time

Martin Luther

The origins of early childhood education trace back to the early 1500s, with Martin Luther (1483-1546) being credited for introducing the idea of educating children. During this time, a large portion of the population was unable to read, leading Luther to advocate for universal education. He believed that educating children would not only benefit families and communities but also provide them with the ability to independently read the Bible such as in primary school in Trivandrum and secondary school in Trivandrum. Luther’s emphasis on early reading instruction highlighted the importance of early childhood education in shaping societies for the better.

John Amos Comenius

Expanding upon this concept, the next figure to shape the early foundations of early childhood education was John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who emphasized the importance of sensory discovery in children’s learning such as practiced in preschools in Trivandrum and kids playschool. Comenius authored the initial children’s picture book in order to encourage literacy.

John Locke

Next, there was John Locke (1632-1704), who popularized the concept of the “blank slate”, or tabula rasa, suggesting that children begin with an empty mind that is shaped by their surroundings such as practised in playschools Trivandrum and best preschool in Trivandrum.

Friedrich Froebel

One of the most significant figures was Friedrich Froebel (1782 – 1852), who advocated for the idea that children acquire knowledge through play. He established a teacher training program that highlighted the significance of observing children and creating educational programs and activities tailored to their abilities and readiness in preschools and best play school. Froebel not only formalized the early childhood education environment but also established the first kindergarten.

Maria Montessori

Expanding on this idea, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) believed that children are capable of acquiring knowledge and saw educators as social influencers. She saw education as a way to improve children’s well-being, emphasizing the significance of the learning environment in addition to the content being taught such as in best preschool Trivandrum from the time of preschool admission. Montessori advocated for the prioritization of sensory education before intellectual education in children. The Montessori Method is a widely acclaimed approach to educating children around the world.

Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget (1896-1980) proposed a theory of child development that emphasizes the importance of stages in learning. According to Piaget, children progress through stages such as sensory-motor, preoperational, and concrete operational as they interact with their surroundings such as in kids school in Trivandrum and international playschool Kerala. Piaget believed that children learn best through hands-on exploration and engagement with their environment.

Lev Vygotsky

Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) put forth a socio-cultural perspective on child development, suggesting that social interaction plays a crucial role in cognitive, social, and linguistic growth in children. According to Vygotsky, children improve their skills through scaffolding, where a more skilled individual in the community or society helps them with tasks that are slightly beyond their current abilities, known as the zone of proximal development such as in preschool near me and best kindergarten in Trivandrum. Vygotsky emphasized the importance of collaboration and mixed-age groupings of children to facilitate learning and skill acquisition.

John Dewey

John Dewey (1859-1952) firmly advocated for the idea that education should be based on the interests of children, serving as a core principle of the project’s methodology. The role of the educator is to facilitate the exploration and curiosity of students by promoting their individual interests. Dewey viewed the classroom as a space where social awareness should be cultivated, advocating for a democratic approach to running the classroom such as practiced by tutors trained from montessori training and montessori teacher training.

Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf education philosophy and schools, emphasized the importance of cultivating individuals who are both free and morally responsible, possessing a strong social competence. He structured this development into three key stages: experiential education for children from preschool to age 6 according to teachers trained from preschool teacher training and teacher training in Trivandrum, formal education for ages 6-14, and conceptual/academic education for those aged 14 and above.

Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson (1902-1994) created a framework of psychosocial stages of development for children, emphasizing the crucial role of parents and educators in assisting the child through each stage to achieve positive outcomes. He highlighted the importance of addressing social-emotional development in early childhood education.

Loris Malaguzzi

Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994), the creator of the Reggio Emilia approach, believed in the importance of documenting children’s learning and interests. Educators would use this information to plan future activities and curriculum. The approach originated from a childcare center in the town of Reggio Emilia.

David Weikart

David Weikart (1931-2003), the creator of HighScope, was primarily interested in the intellectual development of children, drawing inspiration from the theories of Piaget, Dewey, and Vygotsky. HighScope gained credibility with the groundbreaking Perry Preschool Project in 1962. This study involved 123 children of similar abilities who were divided into two groups: one group received instruction from HighScope while the other followed traditional methods. The results showed that the HighScope group demonstrated higher academic achievement, better school attendance, and ultimately had higher earning potential.

Overall, theorists in early education share a common desire to witness the successful development of children during their formative years. However, the specific approaches to achieving this goal vary among different curriculum structures.

A Concise Overview of Modern Childcare Curriculum

Learning through thematic approaches

This method of education revolves around specific themes that may be inspired by a variety of sources, such as seasonal changes, upcoming events, the educator’s interests, and religious observances. Theme-based learning can also incorporate elements of direct instruction. Instead of focusing on the individual interests of the child, learning is centered around the teacher’s delivery of content in a systematic manner. This allows for program planning to be completed well in advance. While this approach ensures that the educator is well-prepared, a drawback is that the subject matter being taught may not capture the child’s current interests, leading to disengagement. Classroom activities are highly structured and aligned with the current theme, ensuring that all materials and lessons have a connection to the overarching topic that are executed by teachers trained from ttc in Kerala and ttc in Trivandrum.

The Montessori method of education

Childcare centers based on the Montessori philosophy can be found worldwide. It is important to be aware that Montessori schools and educators should have proper certification through a governing body to ensure they are following the true Montessori Method. Some centers may claim to be Montessori but not fully implement this approach.

When considering enrolling your child in a Montessori classroom, keep in mind that the focus is on individualized learning based on the child’s interests. Children are given the freedom to explore and learn independently with the materials in the classroom. This approach may not be suitable for all children, particularly those who thrive in a more structured learning environment. Transitioning to traditional schools later on may also pose challenges for children who are used to the Montessori method.

Scope High

This method is distinguished by breaking down learning opportunities into three key components, known as the “plan-do-review” process of learning. Children first spend time planning out their actions before implementing them, including detailing the materials they will use and informing other children they will be working with. During the “do” phase, children carry out their plan with intentionality. After completing the activity, they engage in a “review” session with an adult and/or peers to discuss what they did and what they learned from the experience.

HighScope aims to evaluate the child by using observational notes categorized into the following areas:

  • Different ways of learning
  • Development of social and emotional skills
  • Physical growth and well-being
  • Language, reading, and communication skills
  • Numeracy and problem-solving skills
  • Exploration of creative expression
  • Understanding of scientific concepts and use of technology
  • Exploration of society and culture

During parent conferences, educators share these stories with parents to showcase the progress being made across various learning areas. It is recommended that HighScope centers undergo accreditation by the HighScope governing body, similar to Montessori schools, to ensure they align with accreditation standards and are officially recognized as HighScope centers.

Reggio Emilia / Emergent

This approach places great emphasis on documenting the learning of children and encouraging them to explore their own interests. Parents and educators work together as a community to support the child’s learning journey while at a Reggio-inspired center. Learning is divided into open-ended projects where children are presented with concepts to explore through research, questioning, and experimentation. The arts play a prominent role in allowing children to express their thoughts and emotions using various mediums. Reggio also values exposing children to nature, allowing for plenty of outdoor play in environments that incorporate natural elements. Instead of standardized tests, learning progress is demonstrated through the projects children engage in, which are documented by the educators.


Children in this educational approach are introduced to a mode of interacting with the world that is focused on humanitarianism, social responsibility, and compassion. Typically, educators stay with the same group of students as they progress through different grades, blending arts and academics in their lessons. These schools do not incorporate technology in the classroom, instead prioritizing hands-on experiences for the students. Additionally, reading is not the main focus until children are seven years old, with an emphasis on storytelling and play-based learning. As part of their training, Waldorf teachers learn about anthroposophy, a philosophy created by Rudolf Steiner.

Applications in Programming: Blended versus Traditional Approach

With the multitude of different methods for early childhood education available, the question arises: which approach is the most effective? Or, rather, is there one method that is superior to others? The simple, yet inconclusive answer is that it varies. Some programs favor a conventional approach that strictly follows a set curriculum. Montessori and Waldorf are both examples of methods that can be continued beyond early childhood and into high school.

With that said, it is crucial to recognize that methods and teaching strategies serve as guidelines that can influence practice rather than strict rules. Nowadays, many programs are adopting a blended approach that combines two or more methods in order to effectively engage childrenof Trivandrum schools and nios school in Trivandrum. This is because there are unique benefits to incorporating elements from different methods and customizing them to suit the needs of the children.

Picture a syllabus constructed by blending various teaching methods to help educators find a harmonious mix of instructional guidance and hands-on learning experiences. By expanding on this approach, one could potentially incorporate elements from Reggio Emilia for its emphasis on community and documentation, Montessori for its focus on independent, self-directed studying, Waldorf for its integration of the arts and social awareness, and High Scope for its strategic three-step process aimed at fostering purposeful, planned, and reflective learning opportunities.

In the end, the decision on which curriculum to choose depends on the mission of the center. Is the aim to promote community, provide organization and structure, reconnect children with nature, or explore a completely different approach? These are the guiding questions that will shape the curriculum that benefits all pupils of primary school in Trivandrum and secondary school in Trivandrum.

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